Well, more like stumbling upon NEOWISE. Elise and I had set up camp in Wyoming and all but given up on seeing the comet. It was cold outside and getting colder, and we were tired from a few hundred miles of driving, so we had decided to put stargazing off for a night while we recuperated.

Luckily, Elise decided she needed something outside, because I opened the tent, looked straight ahead, and saw NEOWISE, bright as could be, right above the mountains in the distance, larger than I had ever expected.

I yelled to Elise to come out, and we both marveled at how incredible it was, nearly in tears.

We waited patiently for NEOWISE to show itself the next day, this time with friends. We had built a fire to keep warm this time, and couldn’t wait to share. It didn’t disappoint. The night was just as clear as before, and we were able to see the comet show itself above the mountains in the distance – earlier this time, because we were expecting it.